The emotional tone, vibe or culture is “off” and engagement starts to suffer
The focus of leaders and the staff is on problems
There’s a high cost to doing anything: staff turnover is high, overhead and expenses balloon, health and wellness suffer, things feel out of balance.
What Self Awareness Unlocks
With self awareness, leaders start asking more questions and showing curiosity instead of jumping to conclusions.
Self aware leaders make better decisions but they don’t have to micro-manage their followers.
When leaders are more self aware, it promotes a culture of exploration, engagement and greater openness.
Research shows that greater self awareness among leaders yields better financial and organizational outcomes. Contact us if you want the details.
The journey to self awareness is a process and you make it in small steps over time. Each one of those steps add up as leaders gain greater self awareness.
We share tools and specific techniques that support a growing mindset of real leadership. You can browse our site for more details about how we do this. We also welcome direct contact from leaders who are thinking of embarking on this journey.