Personal assessment tools are a key part of every leader getting on the fast track to their own personal development and self awareness.

They also hold the key to being a better people manager and a leader who champions talent at all levels of their organization.

So what stops us? Sometimes it’s a feeling that we’ve already “been there and done that.”  For some the experience of another assessment may not have impressed them and they can’t see how any assessment tool could make much impact. Others can see there’s potential value, but time is short and there is a lot of competition for their attention.

We get it. The tools we use have a unique blend of penetrating insight, actionable items that carry real impact, and they are relatively easy to understand without lots of jargon.*

If you want to experience one of our tools, whether Talent Insights, TriMetrix, Emotional Quotient, Driving Forces, DISC, Stress Quotient, Hartman Value Profile or some other tool we’ve mentioned or introduced, please send us an email through the form below and we’ll be in touch soon.

If you’re not sure, that’s not a problem. In the Notes below just tell us you want an intro, a deep dive, an EQ assessment or that you’ve tried everything on the market and you want to be impressed!

*We partner with TTI Success Insights, headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, for the majority of our assessment tools. Besides having an impressive collection of patents and a track record going back to 1984, they continue to publish the most robust research and do cutting-edge validation of all of their assessments. For an example, see how they use brain imaging to improve their surveys. 

TTISI value added authorized provider
Emotional Quotient certified TEQC
DISC certified TTISI TDC